For the month of January we will be attacking three iconic climbs in Black Mountain, Boone, and Asheville.
Fastest times and local legends will be announced at the end of January, with prizes to follow. Details below. All participants who complete the Triple Crown (all 3 routes) will be eligible to receive a free MRC Climb for the Crown finisher prize.
Join our Strava club to participate - https://www.strava.com/clubs/798967
- Participants must be members of the Mountain Running Company Strava club.
- For a run to be considered eligible for CFC:
- Activity MUST be done between January 1st and January 31st, 2025.
- Activity MUST be done on foot. No bike or other mode of transport is allowed.
- Activity MUST be posted within 24 hours of completion.
- Title of activity MUST include "MRC CFC".
- Participants MUST include a picture of themselves at the top of the segment and include it with their activity. Example below.
- To be considered for the Triple Crown Finisher and Champion awards at the end of the challenge:
- Send an email to contact@mountainrunningcompany.com with the following information:
- Your fastest time on each segment, including date each was run
- Your unisex t-shirt size
- MRC location where you'd like to pick up awards
- Triple Crown Finishers - All CFC participants who complete all 3 of the segments.
- Triple Crown Champion - The male and female with the fastest cumulative times on all 3 segments.
- Segment KOM/QOM - The male and female with the fastest time on each segment.
- Local Legend - The runner who completes a segment the most times over the duration of the challenge.
Strava Segments:
*Helpful Hint: "STAR" each segment on Strava to save them throughout the challenge.*
- Boone - Howard's Knob
- Black Mountain - Rainbow to Lookout Rocks
- Asheville - Cold Knob Climb
Disclaimer: This is a virtual challenge designed as a fun opportunity to get out and get active, with some friendly competition built in. In choosing to join, participants assume all risk associated with this challenge, including but not limited to: injuries, falls, extreme weather, and fluctuating trail conditions. Mountain Running Company is not liable for any injuries or otherwise resulting from participation in this challenge.